
Gauri Shankar Rudraksha


The Gauri Shankar Rudraksha are beads that look like two beads fused together and can be worn by anyone above 14 years of age. The Gauri Shankar Rudraksha is a certain kind which brings balance between your Ida and Pingala. If you are a balanced human being and you function sensibly in your life, opulence may come. It happens mostly when energies function well.

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ॐ  हे गौरि शंकरार्धांगि यथा त्वं शंकर प्रिया। तथा मां कुरू कल्याणि कान्तकान्तां सुदुर्लभाम्।।

People believe that this Rudraksha can destroy all the sins of the present life as Goddess Gauri and Lord Shiva.It helps the wearer to believe in positive thinking and get the ability to forgive others. A person will become more solicitous and soft-hearted than before after wearing it. This Rudraksha represents the planet, Mercury. This Rudraksha is associated with the Anahata or heart chakra. It is also known to be useful marriage purposes and relationships.

Mantra for Fifteen Mukhi rudraksha

Gauriaayah Namah